Learn Chinese with TV Shows : Go Ahead Episode 16

美就是易碎的 mei3 jiu4shi4 yi4sui4 de ➣ Beauty is fragile.

打断一下 da3duan4 yi1xia4➣ Sorry to interrupt (打断- verb - to interrupt, to break off, to break (a bone)

我们有好多共同话题 wo3men you3 hao3duo1 gong4tong2 hua4ti2➣ We have a lot to talk about (positive)

你就一直憋着了吧?ni3 jiu4 yi1zhi2 bie1 zhe2 le ba➣ You've been holding it back, right?

求你了 qiu2 ni3 le➣ Please

我说得还不够明白吗? wo3 shuo1de2 hai2bu4 gou4 ming2bai ma➣ Didn't I make it clear to you?

关我什么事啊!guan1 wo3 shen2meshi4 a ➣ That's none of my business!

不打扰了  bu4 da3rao3 le➣ I won't disturb you.

她还用想的 ta1 hai2 yong4 xiang3 de ➣ She's still thinking about it.

说不定能带来灵感呢  shuo1buding4 neng2dai4 lai2 ling2gan3 ne➣It might bring me some inspiration (灵感 - noun - inspiration (for creative work)

我没反应过来 wo3 mei2 fan3ying4 guo4lai/  ➣ I was surprised ( 反应 - noun - to react, respond / reaction, response)

That's it for episode 16! Check out my post about episode 15 if you haven't already!

Nicole ~