Learn Chinese with TV Shows : Go Ahead Episode 18

Learn Chinese with TV Shows : Go Ahead Episode 18

我手机充电呢。wo3 shou3ji1 chong1dian4 ne. ➣My phone is charging.

看走眼 kan4zou3yan3. ➣ to make an error of judgement/ to be wrong about someone/ something

你就让她折腾呗。ni3 jiu4 rang4 ta1 zhe1teng bei. ➣ So just let her do it.

这猴年马月的是了。zhe4 hou2nian2ma3yue4 di2shi4 le. ➣ That was a long time ago. (后年马月 - long time ago, time that will never come)

这(开店)九死一生。zhe4 kai1dian4 jiu3si3yi1sheng1. ➣ It's difficult (to run a store). 九死一生 = (idiom) nine deaths and still alive; a narrow escape;

长期规划 chang2qi1 gui1hua4➣ long-term plan

绝对不是头脑发热。jue2dui4 bu2shi tou2nao3 fa1re4➣ I'm not just passionate about it.

我知道你的心里有怨气。wo3zhi1dao ni3de xin1li you3 yuan4qi4 。➣ I know there's something on your mind.

我是没资格说这个。wo3shi4 mei2 zi1ge2 shuo1 zhe4ge➣ I shouldn't have said that.

凡事无绝对。fan2shi4 wu2 jue2dui4 ➣ Nothing is absolute.

缘分来了, 缘分走了。yuan2fen4 lai2 le, yuan2fen4 zou3 le➣ Things come and go.

甜食能让别人心情变好。tian2shi2 neng2 rang4 bie2ren xin1qing2 bian4hao3. ➣ Sweets can make people feel better :)

策略 ce4lu:e4 ➣ strategy

分泌多巴胺 fen1mi4 duo1ba1an4 ➣ secrete dopamine (MCs were jogging and one of them said this to encourage the other to keep jogging)

只是纯粹不喜欢他。zhi3shi4 chun2cui4 bu4 xi3huan ta1. ➣  I just don't like him at all.