Learn Chinese with TV Shows : Go Ahead Episode 21
你就赶紧顺坡下驴。ni3 jiu4 gan3jin3 shun4 po1 xia4 lu:2. ➣ You should take this chance immediately.
我要连续上七天班。wo3yao4 lian2xu4 shang4/shang3 qi1tian1 ban1. ➣ I have to work for seven consecutive days.
你别跟你妈犟嘴。ni3 bie2/bie4 gen1 ni3 ma1 jiang4 zui3. ➣ Well, don't argue with your mom. (犟嘴 : lit reply defiantly; talk back)
有什么你就一只耳朵进一只耳朵出就行了。you3 shen2me ni3 jiu4 yi1 zhi1 er3duo jin4 yi1 zhi1 er3duo chu1 jiu4 xing2le. ➣ If she starts nagging, just let it go in one ear and out the other.
先不说了。 xian1 bu4shuo1 le ➣ I should go (when talking on the phone and about to hang up)
我抱你把。wo3 bao4 ni3 ba4. ➣ Let me carry you.
拜托 bai4tuo1 ➣ Come on / please/ to request somebody to do something
你真是老母猎戴胸罩。ni3 zhen1shi lao3 mu3 lie4 dai4 xiong1zhao4 。➣ You are so full of it (lit: You really are an old mother searching for a bra to put on ??? This one I'll have to double check....)
一套有一套 yi1tao4 you3yi1tao4 ➣Always have an excuse.
滚啊!gun3 a! ➣ Get out!
我是郁闷。wo3shi4 yu4men4. ➣ I'm depressed。
我们应该及时止损。wo3men ying1gai1 ji2shi2 zhi3 sun3 。➣ We should stop while we're ahead.
气场 qi4chang2 ➣ spark (relationship spark)
又不对付呀? you4 bu4dui4 fu4 ya ?➣(you two) have fallen out again?
恃宠而骄 shi4 chong3 er2 jiao1 ➣ spoiled (of a person being spoiled) (lit: mother dotes on as well as conceited)
你有失偏颇了吧。ni3you3 shi1 pian1po1 le ba. ➣ You're too biased now.
我绝对公平公正。wo3 jue2dui4 gong1ping2 gong1zheng4 。➣ I'm just being fair and just.
你不要身在福中不知福。ni3 bu4yao4 shen1 zai4 fu2 zhong1 bu4zhi1 fu2 。➣ Don't take what you've got for granted.
原来有求于我呀。yuan2lai2 you3 qiu2 yu2 wo3 ya. ➣ It turns out you need my help.